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  •  pages/themes.featured_icons..title  | EasyStore


Dealer kami telah menghasilkan 12.330.889.820 MYR dalam penjualan

50K+ dealer & merek
30+ negara & wilayah
100+ integrasi aplikasi
80+ mitra industri

Mengapa bisnis menggunakan EasyStore

  • Miss Shortcakes | EasyStore
    After using EasyStore, everything is more convenient as everything is under one roof. I can get to serve the customers that walked in to my physical store and at the same time, they can also order from my online store.
    Miss Shortcakes Jessica — Founder
  • Emajie | EasyStore
    With EasyStore, everything has become effortlessly manageable, and there's no looking back. As I expand my retail business, EasyStore remains my unwavering choice, simplifying every aspect of growth.
    Emajie Ahmad Suhail — Founder