Mine Style

A smooth, classic theme with plenty of space for your store’s visually appealing.

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Mine Style | EasyStore

Theme Features

  •  Flexible logo alignment  | EasyStore
    Flexible logo alignment

    Adjust brand logo placement with your preferred aligment.

  •  Vertical menu dropdown  | EasyStore
    Vertical menu dropdown

    Feature all main and child menu in drop-down vertical display.

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Why businesses use EasyStore

  • ADNAA | EasyStore
    It is important for us to track all the data in one system, and EasyStore made it for us. We are also able to provide a more personalized experience to customers regardless they make the purchase in-store or online.
    ADNAA Azlan Bin Adas — Managing Director
  • Hermanas | EasyStore
    When we started HERMANAS, we use WhatsApp and Instagram. It's hard to keep track thousands of messages. EasyStore cut us a significant amount of time and easy to manage.
    Hermanas Jue — Founder